

Books & Reference


Free international books and stories

Do you love free books? Worldreader gives you access to an enormous digital library with thousands of free carefully curated ebooks from around the world. You can find the best free romance, sports, educational, religious, fiction, and nonfiction books to add your bookshelf on the Worldreader app. Want to read without using data? You can now download books, read them offline, and take them anywhere. Simply choose a digital book, download it via the book details screen, and have it appear in your offline reading library. Do you love playing games? Reading free books has never been so amazing! This is the only free book library that gives you prizes for reading your favourite books and stories. Worldreader allows you to set reading goals, check your reading progress, and see how you stand against other readers in your country via reading leaderboards!Discover amazing free books and create your own bookshelf from stories organised by categories (romance, children’s books, worship, sports, science, thriller, fantasy or poetry) including:- Books and stories from top authors around the globe. - Caine Prize winning short fiction stories- Free books from Mills and Boon- Books in English, Spanish, and French.- Childrens books: Great childrens books to help toddlers, kids and preschoolers learn to read with ease- Latest information from Wikipedia- Science books: practical health information on safe sex, HIV, Ebola, Zika, maternal health, and more- Romance novels: Love stories from Africa and beyond- Religion and spiritual books: The Bible, prayer books, sermons and devotionals Love free books and stories? Want to create your own free library? Download Worldreader now!Check out what the press has said about the Worldreader app:“eBooks like Pride and Prejudice and A Tale Of Two Cities are at the fingertips of thousands of kids who would have never had the opportunity to read them before, and Worldreader wants that to grow quickly. Along with ebooks, the organization has shared educational information about HIV/AIDS and malaria, instantly turning the device into a life-saver as well as a learning tool.” - TechCrunch“Since 2010, the non-profit organization Worldreader has provided school children in a number of developing countries with access to free digital books through donated Kindle ereaders. Recently, it has begun to publish the ebooks via a mobile phone-based ereader.” - BBC“In August and September, over 50,000 people used Worldreader Mobile eReader to read information about Ebola provided by the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization. “ - allAfrica“It is not hyperbole to suggest that if every person on the planet understood that his or her mobile phone could be transformed – easily and cheaply – into a library brimming with ebooks, access to text would cease to be such a daunting hurdle to literacy.” - The GuardianGeneral improvements here and there. Enjoy!

Read trusted reviews from application customers

The best site to read books of all categories preferred


I love this app very much but lately I have been facing a few problems with this app.I have installed the app for a year now,at first I could download as many books I want but now there is a book limit( and I think the book limit is 5 books only and you have to come the next day to be able to download more).So when I see a book and I can't download it,I add it to my books but when I go to my books I can't find it there but it says added to my books.Please fix it at least make the book limit ten.

Starr Light

Thanks so much for the wonderful stories and lessons you teach me through the books in this app.. keep up the good work🥰

Yangsi Sonia

After downloading a book to read offline the app won't give any options for main page so as to download again

Alexandra Osakwe


Mervin Khumalo

It's one of the best. I recommend to all who love to read.

Gladys Atenbila Atariburo

Ts fun,t has all the categories from adult to kids stuff.i just love it💖

Rukundo Catherine

You can never be bored with this app... Always something new to read and which ever category you feel like reading at any particular time.

Chijioke Okoro



Horrible the app always does retry every single time and it takes me over 4 minutes to get to the next episode its frustratung!!!!!!!!

miky yaro